SLEEP PARALYSIS – Have you found methods to overcome negative thoughts and experiences?
Have you used it for the WILD technique?
“…Sleep paralysis is when, during awakening or falling asleep, one is aware but unable to move…During an episode, one may hear, feel, or see things that are not there.[1] It often results in fear.[1] Episodes generally last less than a couple of minutes.[2] It may occur as a single episode or be recurrent.[1]” –
One hears all sorts of nonsense about sleep paralysis. Most sleep related phenomena are really very basic, simple and natural. Many are evolved DNA hold overs from when we were apes and slept in trees for safety. The sense of falling as one becomes unconscious (“falling asleep’), the hypnagogic jerk and myoclonic jerk (biological gyroscope) and sleep paralysis (sedation to maintain immobility) keep you from moving about and losing your balance) and are merely survival mechanism. It is why a cat tossed into the air and falling will always right itself. Without such systems we would have fallen out of trees or out of beds or wandered around in reaction to our dreams, endangering ourselves and others (falling down stairs, homicidal somnambulism, etc.