About Lucid Dreaming In Children

Will lucid dreaming and meditation be one day taught in school?
Have you ever taught a child how to lucid dream?

“…Ten-year-olds reported the highest regular recall of lucid dreams

…Recall of lucid dreams appears to go down, at least in this sample, as children age. 63% of the ten-year-olds reported monthly lucid dreams, 58% of the eleven-year-olds, and 36% of the twelve-year-olds…

…Twelve of the 13 children reported at least one lucid dream in the dream logs…

…Question  …Were the children in your study excited about it?

Armstrong-Hickey: Oh, they were thrilled. It was wonderful. It was a real exhilarating experience for me. I come from working clinically with children, so I see a slanted view of children, and this was a great experience…” – A validation of lucid dreaming in school age children – By DEBORAH ARMSTRONG-HICKEY – Unites States International University – http://www.sawka.com/spiritwatch/validati.htm

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