Lucid Dreaming

About Lucid Dreaming And Its Relation To Mental Health, Personality, Self-Confidence, Behavior Control…

Excerpts from a study initially published in the International Journal Of Dream Research – Doll, E., Gittler, G., & Holzinger, B. (2009). Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality, 2(2), 52–57 – “DREAMING, LUCID DREAMING AND PERSONALITY… …Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental[…]

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Lucid Dreaming and Psychopathology

“Nocturnal Consciousness And Its Importance For The Exploration Of Psychopathology”

“Nocturnal Consciousness and Its Importance for the Exploration of Psychopathology” …In fact, the dream sleep stage…has been suggested as a model for schizophrenia…and there is some evidence that psychosis may be conceptualized as sleeping mentation entering the waking state… The various nocturnal consciousness characteristics that have been related to stress,[…]

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Lucid Dreaming

Commonalities Between Sleep Paralysis And Lucid Dreaming

DISSOCIATION:  “In psychology, dissociation is any of a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experiences. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis.” – Wikipedia “Terror and bliss? COMMONALITIES AND DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN[…]

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Lucid Dreaming and Metacognition

The Relation Of Metacognition And Lucid Dreams; And The Possible Treatment Approaches That Come With It

“Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking“, “knowing about knowing”, becoming “aware of one’s awareness” and higher-order thinking skills.” – Wikipedia – “Could we one day heal the mind by taking control of our dreams?… …Brain regions involved in meta-cognition are among the most activated in lucid dreaming… …In principle, lucid[…]

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Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts?

Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts? NIGHTMARES – Stopping nightmares through lucid dreaming – SLEEP PARALYSIS – The practice of controlling your surroundings while asleep and aware may help someone to change the scenery during sleep paralysis. Just try to love and hug a monster during sleep paralysis[…]

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Psychology Psychiatry

Lucid Dream Therapy in Psychiatry

“New Links Between Lucid Dreaming And Psychosis Could Revive Dream Therapy In Psychiatry” “…Similarities in brain activity during lucid dreaming and psychosis suggest that the previously discredited technique of dream therapy may be useful in psychiatric treatment, according to a European Science Foundation workgroup. People suffering from nightmares can sometimes[…]

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Lucid Dreaming and Blindness

How Do Lucid Dreams Of Blind People Differ?

How do lucid dreams of blind people differ? What techniques could they apply? What kind of studies and research should be done in the field of lucid dreaming for blind people? “…four of the seven congenitally blind subjects who were totally blind had no indications of visual imagery in their[…]

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Lucid Dreaming Psychology

TheRaRaRabbit – A Youtube Channel – Maxwell Hunter

TheRaRaRabbit – by Maxwell Hunter – A great YouTube channel for lucid dreamers.  I find it special because you firsthand experience Max’s personal account of a life with lucid dreaming. A lot to learn from him and an excellent source for understanding lucid dreaming and all aspects related to it. His[…]

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Lucid Dream Psychology

“Lucid Dreaming for Mental Health” – By Maxwell Hunter, TheRaRaRabbit- Psychology

Psychology and Lucid Dreaming  A video by Maxwell Hunter, a UK based artist and oneironaut, about lucid dreaming and mental health – Youtube –  TheRaRaRabbit – Published on May 24, 2017   Related Post(s): TheRaRaRabbit – A Youtube Channel – Maxwell Hunter Psychology and Lucid Dreaming Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Nightmares[…]

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Decision Making in Lucid Dreams

About Conscious Decision Making (Volition) and Ability to Plan (or lack thereof) while having a Lucid Dream..

About conscious decision making (volition) and ability to plan (or lack thereof) while having a lucid dream… “Volition or will is the cognitive process by which an individual decides on and commits to a particular course of action.” – “…Another study looking at people’s ability to make conscious decisions in waking life as[…]

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The Advantage of Lucid Dreaming in Relation to the Search Activity Concept 

“SEARCH ACTIVITY CONCEPT (SAC) is a psychophysiological concept that integrates subject’s behavior, resistance to stress and deteriorating factors, pathogenetic mechanisms of different mental and psychomatic disorders, REM sleep functions and psychosomatic disorders, REM sleep, brain monoamines activity and brain laterality” – Wikipedia – “Dream’s lucidity (the subject’s realization that he/she is dreaming) protects[…]

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