Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts?

Benefits of Lucid Dreaming – Any thoughts? NIGHTMARES – Stopping nightmares through lucid dreaming – SLEEP PARALYSIS – The practice of controlling your surroundings while asleep and aware may help someone to change the scenery during sleep paralysis. Just try to love and hug a monster during sleep paralysis[…]

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Lucid Dream Self

Have You Ever Asked Your Lucid Dream ‘Self’ Questions And Gotten Answers?

“…Did you know that, when lucid dreaming, you can make contact with another lucid self…? …It often appears wise and all-knowing, offering helpful insights into waking life problems or whatever question is posed by the lucid dreamer…” – World of Lucid Dreaming –  Rebecca Turner Click here to read Rebecca Turner’s[…]

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Lucid Dream Symbol

WHY Can The Subconscious Mind In A Non-Lucid Dream Not Relate More Directly To What We Experienced In The Waking Physical Reality?

WHY can the subconscious mind in a non-lucid dream not relate more directly to what we experienced in the waking physical reality?   Why does it not recall ‘exactly’ what it experienced, but instead creates a similar situation or symbol to ‘relive’ the real life experience?  What parts of the brain[…]

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How do you relate your Lucid Dreams to Spirituality and/or Religion?

How do you relate your lucid dreams to spirituality and/or religion? What do you think of Persinger’s arguments? The following are excerpts from Wikipedia relating to Michael Persinger and his experiment with the God Helmet. “…Michael A. Persinger (born June 26, 1945) is a physical neuroscientist and natural philosopher…[…]

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Lucid Dreaming and Blindness

How Do Lucid Dreams Of Blind People Differ?

How do lucid dreams of blind people differ? What techniques could they apply? What kind of studies and research should be done in the field of lucid dreaming for blind people? “…four of the seven congenitally blind subjects who were totally blind had no indications of visual imagery in their[…]

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Time in Lucid Dreaming

How Do You Experience Time In Your Lucid Dreams? Have You Experimented With It?

How do you experience time in your lucid dreams? Have you experimented with it? “Do dreams occur in slow motion?” – BBC- Future – By David Robson – 25 November 2014 How about this: While lucid dreaming, go back to a point in time when you made a major decision in your[…]

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Lucid Dreaming and Quantum Physics

Challenge: Connect Lucid Dreaming with Quantum Physics

Challenge: Connect lucid dreaming with quantum physics – wave/particle duality, uncertainty principle, quantum entanglement…any thoughts? “The quantum mind or quantum consciousness[1] group of hypotheses propose that classical mechanics cannot explain consciousness. It posits that quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, may play an important part in the[…]

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