A Study On Why The Subconscious Mind In A Non-Lucid Dream Cannot Relate More Directly To What We Experience In The Waking Physical Reality And How This Relates To Lucid Dreams

THE NETWORK FOR LUCID DREAMERS AND SCIENTISTS Forums NEW LUCID DREAM STUDY SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH A Study On Why The Subconscious Mind In A Non-Lucid Dream Cannot Relate More Directly To What We Experience In The Waking Physical Reality And How This Relates To Lucid Dreams

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  • #2345

    Why does it not recall ‘exactly’ what it experienced, but instead creates a similar situation or symbol to ‘relive’ the real life experience? What parts of the brain are inhibited to work together during a non-lucid dream?

    How does all that differ in a lucid dream?

    Lucid Dreaming


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