The Sub-Frequency – Connecting via Lucidity with Loved Ones Who Have Passed On – By Ian Jaydid

By Ian Jaydid

The practice of contacting loved ones who have passed via “psychic” channels is as old as religion itself, but my aim here is to examine the core dynamics of this phenomenon in a manner anyone, from any background or philosophy should be able to make use of. You’re welcome to view my descriptions through a religious or “supernatural” perspective, but in my experience nothing is beyond nature: All of these phenomena are perfectly natural, not “super” natural. Our sciences just need to catch up with what we can experience first-hand..

If you’re at all familiar with my talks or writings, you might know that I’m an atheist who’s been Lucid Dreaming and “Astral” Projecting for just shy of 30 years. I use a model that describes how consciousness relates to our daily world of mass, energy and, most importantly, the Narratives we cling to. It should be known that the phenomena we refer to as consciousness is not currently understood by any branch of science, so I have my own ways to describe its nature. Consciousness, from my experience, is best described as a “ground state” of all matter and energy in our cosmos; the heart of all energy fields in the cosmos. It’s also important to remember that the map is not the territory; no model, not even the best in cosmology and physics, can ever contain the entire structure it aims to describe. Make use of these descriptions, and then upgrade or discard them when they no longer serve you.

Okay! Now it’s time for a story from my past. To this day, one of the warmest souls I’ve known was Paul Miranda. Paul and I met my junior year in high school through a mutual friend, Jim, who was taking Karate classes with him. Paul was already a black-belt at the age of sixteen when we were first introduced, and never did I sense the slightest hint of arrogance about his abilities. He was as gentle as he was capable of rendering most people helpless in a matter of moments. I don’t believe in regrets, but if I was forced to choose one it would be that I allowed my busy college life to lose touch with Paul. For several years the most I heard was that he had moved to Pennsylvania, got married and had a son. Soon after graduating college I had the most unique Lucid Dream; one with a “flavor” unlike any I’d ever experienced.

After hundreds of experiences moving between Lucid states and the more “typical” dreams stirred up by the subconscious, I had grown adept at knowing when my Lucid visions were originating from my own subconscious, or from beyond my own ego-identity. All I knew for sure was the “feel” of this dream was not rightly coming from “me”.

In the vision I found myself standing on an empty subway platform, fully aware I was dreaming and detached from any notion of “storyline”. I was simply taking in the sights, wondering what this scene had in store for me when a sleek, white train emerged from the tunnel. After pulling to a full-stop, my friend Jim stepped from one of the cars in a deliberate, solemn fashion. When he approached, he handed me what appeared to be a blank greeting card – all the while I’m still trying to identify this foreign sensation beneath it all. It felt like an energy from my past somehow, but it also wasn’t a proper sense-stimulus; it offered nothing to grab ahold of.

“You need to read this,” Jim said sternly. I opened the card to find a small image accompanied by three words. The image was a blood red heart – one that literally dripped blood. A thin, wet stream trickled off the page right passed the phrase, “A Lost Friend”.   

Now, this all might sound terribly ominous and maybe even a bit unsettling, but the experience was rather “matter of fact”, not intended to frighten or console. After I awoke I still had no idea what the deeper lesson might have been. Each and every one of my hundreds, perhaps thousands of Lucid experiences offered some new insight to build from. All I sensed was that the energy beneath the vision felt slightly alien, yet deeply familiar. It wasn’t until later that evening that I got the call from another mutual friend of ours, Andy, who shared the news: Paul had died of a heart attack the previous day.

Paul. Of course.  

The “energy” in the vision was Paul. This was the missing key. Beyond what Paul looked like, sounded like, even smelled like, Paul carried a “frequency” just beneath the surface (again, my vision took place in a subway). What confused me at the time the dream was unfolding was that Paul wasn’t even mentioned. I was operating from my “Worldly Narrative” where we connect to people through our five senses.

If we move our attention to this “sub-energy” dwelling just below the surface of our Narratives, our sight, our hearing, we will have the most important key to connect with anyone, regardless if they are a thousand miles away – or deceased. This energy signature I’m pointing to, known by a hundred different names throughout a hundred different cultures, is still present in the time/space field even when the body has passed. Connecting to these “sub-energies” doesn’t require a monk, a shaman, a psychic or any other kind of “magic” person to act as an intermediary. And once we connect with this core energy, information as well as healing can be exchanged.

Today, physicists like Lawrence Krauss, author of “A Universe from Nothing”, remind us how particles (called “virtual particles”) are forever popping in and out of empty space, even within total vacuums. In particle physics there’s an hypothesis that this sea of virtual particles creates a field of energy that could eventually lead to stable, atomic structures. In other words, it is possible that the most elemental building blocks of our universe could spring from what we call “Nothingness”. For the purposes of working within this model of mine, I’m asking that you consider this very space, this “emptiness” from which the universe emerges, is what consciousness is. Consciousness is not a “thing” at all: it’s no-thing.

Below what we look like, our voice, smell, below our very name and our “story”, our core awareness is literally everywhere, it is forever and it is most certainly not divided up. From this perspective we can appreciate why there is no need to struggle at forging some “magical” connection with others. Rather, we can’t help but be connected. All the strain and effort that goes on in this realm is what appears to divide “this” from “that”, “there” from “here” and “you” from “me”. Our individuality is nothing more than a play of vibration sprouting from a vacuum. Once again, it’s hardly novel to suggest, “We ARE the nature of emptiness”, but I want to make it clear I don’t mean this as a clever metaphor; this is not your Zen Koan for the day. I literally mean, “What we are IS the experience of empty space”.

The reason for my belabored explanation above is to place you, first and foremost, in the right perspective: You’re already “doing” it, so what follows is not a new tactic as much as it’s a “stripping away” of what appears to divide us in the first place. And it’s that mind-set that most struggle with. The more you engage in meditation, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection – literally any practice that reminds you that your consciousness already is the source, the more you will naturally begin tuning in to these “sub” energies which every “thing” carries, from people to trees to mountains. But we first have to drop our focus below the surface of sensory perception.

Okay! Now we’re ready to run through a bare-bones technique to “tap” into someone, alive or dead. This practice is all about going below the surface we’re domesticated to, so naturally you need to do this when you can pull back from as much worldly stimuli as possible. Yes, you need to turn off your phone, which is a powerful tether to our daily, “normal” world. Get away from people, noise, even lights if you can, buy ear plugs, an eye mask, or if you have the access, get into an isolation tank; whatever you can do to disconnect your biological senses from your environment. For the next few minutes allow yourself a little vacation from solving the world’s problems. Don’t worry, you can pick them all up again right after you’re done if you wish. If you’re a Lucid Dreamer or a Projector, I recommend trying this in your waking dreams for best results since the sleeping body is about as ‘shut down’ from the world as we can get it. All you need to do right now is breathe. That’s it. Let your body just “be”.

Once your body is “out of the picture”, next focus on your thinking patterns; any concerns or worries you’re wrestling with, plans you’re making, memories you’re reliving, or even stories you’re replaying about this person you’re about to connect with. Allow yourself to just watch them pass. Remember, you aren’t those thoughts, you exist below your body and your thoughts. I often imagine I am the depths of the ocean watching all the waves on the surface pass by – and I’m unaffected by any of it. See your thoughts floating by and let them pass. Even your own name is up there on the surface: It’s just another word that’s been assigned to you. Let it pass by, along with your notion of your “life’s story”. Bring your focus away from your memories and direct it totally to the moment. Remain at the perspective of your center, let the rest float on. If you find yourself caught up in one of the waves, chasing after some emotion, some “thing” you need to do, just be aware that you got distracted, come back to the depths and be happy you noticed you became distracted to begin with!

Once you feel relatively “centered” and quiet (no, you don’t have to be a Zen monk to do this) picture the person you want to reconnect with. Simply call them into your awareness. The biggest obstacle people have at this point is they allow their “inner narrative” to start making comments about this person; specifically comments like, “But, this person is 500 miles away” or “This person is angry at me” or “This person has passed”. Allow these Narratives to fall away for now.

Next what we’re essentially going to do with this person (or even animal, since some people can do this with pets) is to strip away their “layers” just as we did with our own to get to their “sub” energy. As you hold this person in your awareness, try to imagine that you have never known this person’s name; in fact, you’ve never laid eyes on them before in your life. This is the trickiest part, if there is such a thing on this level, so pay attention: Without a name and without an image, what would be left of that person? You might even imagine their physical appearance “peeling” away to reveal what’s left beneath. After all, who someone is is indeed far more than their name or what they look like. Go beneath their appearance, and even go beneath the sound of their voice. Imagine you had never heard that person speak. Below those flesh and blood attributes, how does that person feel to you? With enough practice with this, you’ll find this person you’re connecting with has a raw “frequency”; a vibration beyond all of the sights, sounds, even personality. If you’re anything like me you might find you’re left with a very new impression of their “core” energy. This might appear as a cloud, a formation of lights or maybe colors. My advice is don’t get too attached to this new, abstract representation of their energy either – and if you don’t see or sense this, it’s ultimately not important now. In fact, what you’re sensing may be so abstract your mind may not even know how to process it. What is important is that you’re in touch with their sub-frequency.

Now simply hold their energy in your awareness as long as you feel is right. If another Narrative pops up, let it pass and it will sink back into the depths again provided you don’t chase after it. Just BE with this energy. When you do this, information is being shared between you and this frequency of consciousness even if you aren’t consciously aware of it at the present moment. For some, after “being” with this sub-energy we are left with a basic emotion or “intuition” about the exchange, and it may be days or even months until our awareness is ready to “unlock” the information exchanged during this practice. For others, especially those who can bring this practice into their Lucid Dreams, the transmission is rather intense and can even be overwhelming. Yes, some can even engage in full, back and forth conversations with this individual, but it’s imperative to remain fully aware to the moment and detached from all Narratives. It all depends on the parties involved, how many unresolved emotions we’re carrying about this person and how much information even needs to be exchanged.

The truth is, sometimes those who have passed know that the best thing to transfer to those of us still bound to this world is little more than a sense of peace or resolution. As long as you maintain your focus “below” all the names, the storylines and assumptions, there is no right or wrong. Trust that if you managed to sit with their core frequency even for a couple minutes, what needed to be transferred was transferred to you. You’re welcome to return to this individual’s core-energy as much as you like, but in most cases you’ll eventually find there is no real need to continue the practice as you’ll begin to notice a deeper sense of connection with this person in general; one that permeates your daily life.

For those interested in the full details of how I see these “metaphysical” practices relating to physics, biology and cosmology I’ll direct you to my first novel, “Tripping the Field” or my previous article here entitled, “Schrodinger’s Cat is Both Dreaming and Awake”. An online article cannot hope to contain all the many other aspects and truths connected to a subject this vast, so know that this is simply a tool to point you in the right direction. The rest is absolutely up to you to explore. If you have further questions on this or any other related topic, you’re welcome to contact me at Iboga Moon Productions or any of my social media contacts. I promise I always do my best to offer a genuine, heartfelt reply.

Ian Jaydid

Jan Jaydid is a fine artist, public speaker and author of, “Tripping the Field”, a fictional adventure inspired by his Lucidity, Astral Projection and Shamanic practices. You can find his current projects at Iboga Moon Productions:

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Novels, fine art and cartoons by Ian Jaydid

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