Lucid Dreaming and Research

Areas of Lucid Dream Research Worth To Be Explored Further

Areas of Lucid Dream Research Worth To Be Explored Further “Induction of lucid dreams: A systematic review of evidence” “…Future directions The following ideas, we believe, are worth to tackle and pursue further. The techniques that showed to be most effective, such as Tholey’s combined technique or MILD, should be[…]

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Galantamine and Lucid Dreaming

Ongoing/Future Study of the Supplement Galantamine

“Exploring the Impact of the Effects of the Supplement Galantamine Paired with Dream Reliving and Meditation on Recalled Dreams” –  University of Texas Rio Grande Valley IRB# 907-90991 This survey is being conducted by: Principal Investigator Gregory Scott Sparrow, EdD, Professor at The University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley Co-PI Ralph Carlson, PhD, Professor[…]

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